Daniel N. Copp, Partner (Memphis, TN office), a former
CEO, CFO and Director of NYSE and NASDAQ companies, has been a consultant for public and private
companies since completing a fifteen-year financial career at Federal Express. Experienced in
providing CFO-level assistance for public companies, he now includes leadership, management
development, and individual coaching in his consulting portfolio. Dan has advanced degrees in law
and economics and is a graduate of Yale University. He has served on numerous public-sector boards,
and his career has taken him to the West Coast and Europe. |
Judith P. Fulton, Partner, a former CEO and Fortune 500 corporate planner with particular expertise in business development, licensing and operations, has launched both start-ups and intrapreneurial units within established companies. Judy provides business consulting services to biotech, high-tech and other industry clients. Her contributions range from licensing and business planning to acting as temporary COO. Judy holds degrees from Harvard College and the Harvard Business School. She was selected as one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women in 1998, 2001, and 2004 by the Daily Record, and was inducted into its Circle of Excellence in 2004. She has served as an officer on numerous corporate and non-profit Boards. |
John C. Hilgenberg, Principal and President Emeritus,
a former banker, CEO, and CFO, has been advising entrepreneurial organizations since 1986. A growth
consultant, not a turnaround consultant, John serves as a "CEO extender" in organizations
which, due to full-time staffing constraints or rapid growth, need to bring additional resources to
their strategic decision-making process. In addition to serving clients, he advises several
governmental and educational entities on entrepreneurial issues and has served on several community
and corporate boards. He holds degrees from Yale University and the Darden Graduate Business School
of the University of Virginia. |
Victoria C. McAndrews is well known in Baltimore as a former Eager Street partner
and as an entrepreneur. With a broad background in finance, first with Chemical Bank in New York
and then Bankers Trust Company, Vicky began working with entrepreneurial companies in 1984. Vicky
is a founder and director of CMD Investment Group, a privately
owned group of companies providing accounts receivable management and customer contact programs for
health care, higher education, and most recently, business-to-business. Previously she served as
CFO for a Maryland-based financial services firm which went public in 1998. Vicky is active in the
Greater Baltimore Technology Council and in other organizations fostering technology entrepreneurship
in Maryland. She is a graduate of Harvard University. |
Leeds Hackett is a seasoned entrepreneurial CEO, public company CFO, and former Executive Vice President of Marine Midland Bank. A graduate of Babson College, he is experienced in financial and general management of both large and small companies. Leeds advises Eager Street and its clients on strategic financing issues and serves as liaison with New York financial markets. |
Deborah Tillett, former Eager Street Partner, is Executive Vice President of Development at an Eager Street
client, BreakAway, Ltd, a leader in the strategy simulation
industry. Her expertise in strategic marketing, branding, and product positioning remains a continuing
resource for Eager Street clients. Chief Marketing Officer of Firewater.com before joining Eager Street,
Deb has held senior management positions at technology companies since 1989. She was founder and President
of OT Sports, LLC, an ABC/Walt Disney Company joint venture, and co-launched three successful Internet
startups. She holds a BA degree from Towson University and an MBA from the Loyola Sellinger School of
Business. Her team at BreakAway recently won the coveted Purple Cow award presented by the Greater
Baltimore Technology Council. |